Engine 1
1981 Superior - International
471 Detroit Diesel
1050 Hale Pump
800 Imperial gallon Poly Tank
2 -200' preconnected 1.5" hoselines
250' of 1" forestry hose
500' of 2.5" hose (reverse lay)
300' of 4" supply hose
3 - 12' hard suction
Floating suction dock
Forcible entry and wildland tools
Class A/B foam and eductor
24' extension ladder
12' straight ladder
10' folding ladder
3 seat mounted SCBA
Seats 5
Purchased: 2001
Engine 2
2019 Rosenbauer - Freightliner
Cummins Diesel
1250 Darley pump with pump and roll
1000 gallon poly tank
100 gallon foam tank - A/B foam
2 -200' preconnected 1.5" hoselines
1 - 100' preconnected 1.5" bumper trash line
400' of 2.5" hose
400' of 4" supply hose
2 - 12' hard suction
Floating suction dock
24' extension ladder
12' straight ladder
10' folding attic ladder
4 seat mounted SCBA
Purchased: 2019
Rescue 1
1995 Pierce - Ford F-800
Amkus rescue tools
Strut kit
Partner saw
Battery operated hand tools
On board generator
Auxiliary lighting
150' electric cord reel
Medical bag
3 SCBA and spare cylinders
Grain Entrapment equipment
Rope equipment
Water Rescue Equipment
Incident Command Area
Rehabilitation Area with Heat/AC
Seating: 7
Purchased: 2011
Brush 1
2012 Chevrolet 3500
250 Gallon Poly Tank
5 hp Honda pump
200' of 1" hose
100" of 3/4" hose
Wildland backpacks
Wildland Hand tools
Leaf Blowers
Traffic control equipment
Seating: 5
Purchased: 2018